Who Is Doing The Work?

Don’t get handed off to junior staff.

When it’s time to pitch new biz, most agencies trot out their senior staff members. These folks’ job is to smile, tell witty anecdotes, and—of course—wow potential clients with relevant success stories.

And it works. After all, there’s nothing more reassuring than an expert who has seen it all.

But here’s the rub: Once the agency is hired, those senior staff members have a way of disappearing. They hustle off to the next pitch only to be replaced by junior staff members.

At The Flatland, we don’t do that. And it’s one of the main reasons why our agency is unlike others.

We always put senior people on our accounts. Not simply as overseers or managers—but as actual doers.

In this way, we’re not only ensuring better work for our clients. We’re also keeping a promise: The people you met at the pitch will be in the trenches for you every day.


Maybe, just maybe, your customers aren’t idiots.